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Teenagers between ages 12 and 19.

Teenagers between ages 12 and 19.

by LucaXtagVtag January 10, 2022


A child between the age of 12 and 18. When a teenager becomes an adult, they become mature...no the other way around! Abbreviated to teen!

The teenager foolishly went along at the children's immature plans. What teens aren't supposed to be.

The teenager intelligently guided the children into the right path. What teens are supposed to be.

by Augusta Freelance August 19, 2013

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A person between the ages of 13 and 19. Personality traits may vary between specimen, but many general traits can be established as generally universal among the teenage population. These traits consist of the following, but are not limited to:

- A gravitation toward music lacking any real lyrical depth and/or musical complexity
- Forming strong opinions about things they don't quite understand (politics, social ideals etc.)
- An inability to realize how young and undeveloped they truly are
- A fascination with modern day, internet friendly acronyms such as LOL (laughing out loud) and SMH (shaking my head), often used as a means to express emotions that their vocabulary can't
- Extreme fear and emotional response to trivial speed bumps throughout life (rejection, social hierarchy)
- Cognitive issues preventing the use of proper grammar or spelling, especially prevalent when messaging others over phones or the internet
- An inability to comprehend romantic relationships in terms of stability and longevity
- An inability to perceive sizes of objects, often leading to wearing clothes three sizes too big for them
- An accepting and/or glorifying view of incarnation and lack of education (see "rap music" and "gangstas"

Bob: "Hey, Jim! How's your son doing?"
Jim: "Oh, I stabbed him in the heart. His taste of music and vocalizations of retarded opinions was really getting to me."
Bob: "Well, that's a teenager for you!"

by BsThebenster December 4, 2014

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A snotty good for nothing human being, they should go die in a hole.

Mom-uhg my doughter is being a TEENAGER again.

by idecabtu September 18, 2018

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People between the ages 13-19. They are generally seen as ungrateful and moody, mainly because they are going through puberty.

β€œThose damn teenagers are good for nothing! ”

by KingKong'sDingDong January 9, 2017

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A teenager is the person who is to old to to 50% of things and to young for the other 50%

Younger sibling: wanna watch dora?
Teenager: No, I'm to old for that
Older sibling: I'm going out to the club, see ya
Teenager: Can I go?
Older sibling: No your too young

by Izzy Maldonado November 4, 2020

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1. A human between the ages of 13 and 19.

2. The reason why the Internet is a cultural wasteland.

1. Billy is 16 years old. Billy is a teenager.

2. "Hai im billy lol this is mai Xanga I want errebody 2 read my XANGA bcause i ma cool cuz I ply CSS an im fukkin gooD WIT the AK and i got A GiRlFrIeNd nd we Kis all th TIme OLOL bUt Im hellA depresD An D the Wo RLd Fukkin suxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!"

by HotnBothered March 9, 2006

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