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give birth to a politician

to have a bowel movement, to defecate

I'll be right back I have to give birth to a politician.

by The Return of Light Joker December 10, 2009

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Irritable Politician Syndrome

This is when you just want to live your life, but your politicians keep getting upset and making your life a living hell. This condition is similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Like Bowels, politicians always have shit coming out of their mouths. Substitute 'politician' for 'bowel' and you get IPS.

Worker #1:"I'm glad election year is passed. My IPS was about to drive me insane."

Worker #2:"Oh, yeah? You got Irritable Bowel Syndrome?"

Worker #1:"No. Irritable Politician Syndrome. Same symptoms, different assholes."

by IndependentForever November 4, 2009

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See vampire

The politician has been arrested for embezzling construction money for low income housing.

by Without doubt not a politician November 6, 2017


A fucking drongo who can't make up a decision and is a lying dickhead.

Fuck bro, did you hear about the politician who said he would fix power?
Fuck yeah, what a drongo he would never fix it

by S.U.A.C October 29, 2017


If you're a politician, you're either one of the following:
- An idiot. Idiots have no idea how a country works and pretend America is one big reality TV show.
- A liar. Liars promise a perfect world where everyone is happy, and a future that is impossible to live up to.
- Or a piece of shit. POS don't care about anything but money or publicity. They only work for a specific group of people and run the country into shit when they get office.

While most of these qualities are attributed to Republican politicians, Democrats are equally as shitty.

Most people in America don't get involved with politics because politicians running it screws them over one way or another.

by TheBagelPeople October 16, 2020



(of a person) needlessly and intrusively bringing politics into a conversation.

I will gouge my eyes out if you bring society into this one more time, you politician!

by KannaKandy February 4, 2025


A liar, bullshitter,

That dude mike is a straight politician ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™„

by Calm9 June 3, 2022