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Smart kid

That one kid that when the teacher says β€œgroups” it’s (most times) the first kid that you look at and some other people too. And you probably don't know his name.

Teacher: Okay class now this project we are gonna do it in groups.
Jake: I wanna be with the smart kid!
Bob: No, I am going to go with him!
Smart kid: alright imma head out

by Randomguyintheworld December 29, 2020

Smart Patrol

One or more individuals who REALLY control Urban Dictionary. Possessing special powers of judgement above and beyond those delegated to UD "editors."

Someone upstairs didn't like my Urban Dictionary submission.
The SMART PATROL <<CANCELLED>> my definition before it was even reviewed by UD editors !?! ........... NO SHIT !!

I'm SO misillusioned and rejectified !!

by Chengo Bolemongo October 6, 2006

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

crazy smart

Crazy smart is a person who has knowledge of all sorts of topics. They are able to fix things like MacGyver...and blow everyones minds with their abilities.

Tony is crazy smart!

by bebe bling October 30, 2015

19πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

smart cookie

An individual who has impressed another person by completing or performing some kind of action, and in turn, are complimented.

"Bill, you are one smart cookie for finding a way to get that booger off your shirt without touching it" said Ted.

by madham September 24, 2008

179πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

book smart

Being able to succeed scholastically, and not necessarily in the real world.

sure she's book smart, but she can't cook a potato!

by Malinda October 2, 2002

660πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž

smart alec

A nicer way to say smart ass. You can use this in an office or when kids are around instead of saying smart ass or if you are a stick in the mud and don't cuss.

Adam was being a smart alec so I didn't give him a cookie

by PTM October 25, 2006

165πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

iphone smart

Used to describe the wealth of knowledge someone brings to the table, only on the basis of ownership of an iphone.

1: "Johnny really knows his way around the city. He must have lived there for years. He knew when all the train schedules on my line, and the best restaurants."

2: "Not really. He's just iphone smart."

1: "Dog, I can't hang with Bill no more. He's always gotta be the one with all the right answers."

2: "Don't sweat it Randy. He's just iphone smart. He'd be quite boring without his device."

by 44SHRED June 29, 2009