A gentle, timid buffoon of a kid. Very clumsy and often causes problems on accident, but he quickly apologizes and does his best to make everything better. He has curly, bouncy hair, which is tinted with silver. His smile, when he does, is warm and sincere. Shane always treats his friends with respect, and always loves to make people laugh. He often stutters, and stumbles over his words, which is SO CUTE! The kid used to be a class clown, loud and obnoxious, and he’s actually toned that down, becoming more of a gentle, timid person. Shane is very short, but makes up for it with a mean left hook. Shane is so creative, always carrying around a sketchbook or a pencil. Or, you’ll find him in his room playing games, and eating sweets. Adorable. Girls, get a Shane, and never let him go.
“. Aw, look at that Shane, he’s so shy.. “
“. I can’t believe his self esteem is so low.. what a Shane. “
1. Shane; Shane’s;
Handsome bearded man. Lacks basic knowledge that’s everything on the Internet is true.
2. Shane
Thinks cats are pointless.
Omg, Shane is cool. To bad he thinks the Internet can be wrong.
I know a Shane. He thinks cats a pointless.
Wait, you know Shane!!!
Hey Shane!
Shane, hello!
How many Shane’s does it take to grow a beard?
a term for someone who is stupid, the mentally impaired version of a Shawn
Dude youre such a shane you dont make sense
A pastey white bitch. Who has no pipe and fucks with ugly dirty toed girls. And monkey faced bitches.
Nick: Hey, look at that fat bitch! Id never go out with her!
Fahiem: Aye i heard shanes pullin her on myspace.
Walt: Yeah shanes a queer.
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Shanes are often very sweet. They like sharpies, especially rainbow packs. They look awesome in skinny jeans. They date girls with the same haircut as them. You can always trust them with your life. If you ever have the chance to date or be friends with one, never let them go. They are one of the most amazing people that you will ever meet.
Their hobbies include: writing on rocks, writing on walls, coloring Converse, listening to screamo, kicking down mailboxes, doing backflips, jumping out of trees, and jumping into bushes.
AKA: That Stupid Shane Kid, Spiderman.
Lauren: Dude, that stupid shane kid just knocked down a mailbox.
Madison: I know, I love him.
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a noun. A Caucasian male who does not take pride in his life, career, outer image, and overall hygiene. Shanes are indigenous to rural areas, some cities, trailer parks, mountains, and personal vehicles. Shanes are usually attracted to public parks, Walmart's, zoos, flea markets, and anywhere else with discount prices.
See "Deliverance" or ShaneSpotter for videos and pictures.
Guy 1: Hey, you see the Shane that just pulled into the parking lot?
Guy 2: You mean that guy with the stars and stripes bumper sticker that says "I'm an American-American"?
Guy 1: Yeah. His wife Krystal gave me a lapdance at a bachelor party last month.
Guy 2: Why does he have a coffee can for a tailpipe?
Guy 1: I told you, he's a Shane, dude.
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A caucasian male who live by sucking the blood of virgin cows and eating used steroid syringes. He occasionally skates, wrestles bears, and fucks baby goats.
Shane have you seen my steriod syringe?
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