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roastie toastie

When a roast potato is stuffed up someones ass and then left there for more than 4 hours. Some like to use butter as lubricant, or even jam.

Hey Janet! Wanna try a roastie toastie? I hear they're delicious!

by thatraddudelad January 28, 2017

8πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Roasty Toasty

When you so fucking baked (high) that you feel like you have unlocked a key to a new universe.

Dude you missed the party last night

Friend- how was it

We all got roasty toasty bruh

by Hīrhkdßæ August 25, 2019

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Toasty Torpedo

Ex1.When your penis is warmer than any other part of your body
Ex2. the poorly picked name of a quiznos sandwich

When i woke up i had morning wood and a toasty torpedo

by NoOneIsHome March 26, 2009

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Cheese toastie

A sandwich consisting of two slices of oiled or buttered bread and cheese. The sandwich is then grilled on each side on the stove top.

The cheese toastie is a traditional dish of the gnome people.

Hey look at that guy eating a grilled cheese...

He's a gnome, they call them 'cheese toasties' in Gnomeland.

by NavyDrew July 7, 2016

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

toasty phone

Calling people while under the influence of marijuana. The weed version of drunk dialing.

person 1) Heyyyy! I love you!
person 2) Are you baked?
person 1) *laughter*
Person 2) God, you always Toasty phone me!

by chEmily June 8, 2007

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Heart Toasty

When you sniff weed and a bit of it goes through your nose and it warms your heart or something like dat

"Dude I got so heart toasty last night"

by SmokesDaBear April 13, 2010

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Cheese Toasty

When a guy ejaculates into a woman’s vagina, and then the woman proceeds to sit on a radiator, cauterising her vagina closed and cooking the mans cum inside her. Hence the name, cheese toasty.

Dave: So you’ll never guess what Jenner let me do last night
Chad: Bro did you give her a cheese toasty...
Dave: Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

by CheeseToasty July 12, 2019

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