A person who loves Japan. Sometimes they think they are japonese when they arent.
This word is used to make fun of those people.
Guy Trashy Weeb: Man I love me some Attack On Titan! I wanna go to the stuido and live in japan and help write it!
Guy 2: Your a trashy weeb Kill yourself.
Someone who never puts the dawgs away and has a weird obsession with the Miami Dolphins. Trashy P is an absolute menace to society and needs to be detained. Stay safe!
Omg! Did you see Trashy P's dawgs last night. That man has a black toenail. He needs to seek help.
A person, usually who has attempted to dress in an appealing manner but has instead gained the opposite reaction; A person whose appearance is exceedingly unattractive.
Gretchen: Did you see what Sara's wearing today?
Regina: OMG yes, trashy fish.
A person, usually who has attempted to dress in an appealing manner but has instead gained the opposite reaction; A person whose appearance is exceedingly unattractive.
Gretchen: Did you see what Sara's wearing today?
Regina: OMG yes, trashy fish.
A person who is a absolutely stunning girl but is sadly a furry and needs to be out down
Person:who is that gorgeous woman?
Person2: oh she’s a trashy mashy you don’t want her
Person:ohhhhh okay