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Tuna Queef

One of the many scents offered by a womans queef.

A:You smell that?
B:Yeah smells like cod
A:No im pretty sure its a tuna queef.

by Randomxhumor April 12, 2011

street tuna

A prostitute with a foul odor emanating from her vagina, usually from lack of washing or clean up from the previous user.

Street tuna is cheap at the casino

by Mighty Walrus August 22, 2023

Tuna Toaster

when a man wraps his erect penis is a warm towel (between 98 and 103 degrees F), warms for approximately 3 minutes, unwraps and inserts into vagina. This action results in a perfectly toasted tuna.

"Hey honey, my vagina is really cold. Could you give me the tuna toaster?"

"Oochie in my coochie! I just got tuna toasted!!"

by Beanandbear December 12, 2011

Tuna breather

A tuna breather is typically a white rat like canine, that has been alive for far too long. Battered and old, this creature has unbearably stanky breath like that of spoiled tuna. These creatures always happen to be spewing their moist coochie breath right into your nostrils. Common characteristics of the tuna breather may include yellowing snaggle teeth, milky dried out eyeballs and discolored fur as a result of an ongoing yeast infection, not to mention a constant smattering of fecal matter upon its anus. Surprisingly, this creature is beloved by its family and treated like a spoiled child, despite its distasteful appearance and mannerisms. Practice caution when coming in contact with a tuna breather.

Lila: I am just so excited for you to meet my dog “Cherry”, she is just the sweetest little thing!
Mary: OMG I love all dogs, I can’t wait!
*lila opens the door to her house*
*Mary is overwhelmed by the smell of fish that wafts from betwixt the tuna breathers jaw, as it lunges to lick her face*

by Shrimp16 August 26, 2020

Tuna Crumpets

Hardened sex residue from a filthy woman's vagina.

Janice! Don't flick your tuna crumpets at me you dirty whore!

Tell Tina to stop eating her tuna crumpets, it's disgusting...

by myspace.com/gatesofburial September 2, 2009

tuna cup

A smelly vagina. A Vagina or Pussy that smells like a fish market.

"Hey man did you hook up with that chick from the bar?" "Yea, but a bad decision! She had a Tuna Cup!"

by MikeyCigar October 8, 2013

super tuna

super tuna is a song that BTS jin wrote and produced that was released on his 29th birthday on december 4, 2021. he told us not to do the challenge but currently the whole world had done it, even made it to billboard and forbes ikr super tuna soty

super tuna made it to forbes, jin will never talk to us never again

by minstradamusd December 17, 2021