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turkish penny

the flicking of the anus during fellatio

Jack: "darling, might you treat me to a turkish penny this evening?"
Mark: "but of course! spread those pins and pucker up!"

(Mark flicks Jack's bum'ole)

by jadadude February 10, 2011

Turkish lightbulb

Like a polish lightbulb but no fleshlight.

Me and Jeff did a Turkish lightbulb now I think I may be gay.

by Lilroot69 February 9, 2019

Turkish handjob

The act of spitting between the breasts of a busty lady and then place your penis between them and squash them together with your hands so becomes tighter and fuck them.

This Polish lady had the perfect big tits for Turkish handjob, but the English woman had small tits so it couldn't happen.

by Memeforlife September 18, 2023

2👍 1👎

Turkish booty

The act of inserting your thumb into your partners anus in a head down booty up position and drawing the outline of your fingers like the hand turkeys you drew as a child.

Last night I gave that bitch a Turkish booty.

by Mygingerminge April 29, 2021

Turkish cringe

Turkish cringe is used to describe the backwards practices and social norms exemplified in the Turkish people and culture.

While the country connects the Asian and European continents, it struggles to maintain customs from the 1800’s while trying to keep up with the fashion and expectations of modern globalism.

Jenny: Turkey is a lovely country, but there is a lot of Turkish cringe.
Jim: How so, Jenny?
Jenny: As soon as I told the taxi driver I was American, he started rubbing his crotch and asking if I had a boyfriend. At the end of the ride, he doubled the price on the meter and then asked for my phone number. It was Turkish cringe.
Jim: Oh my god! Turkish cringe!

by Cooltom77 May 26, 2022

Turkish Sunroom

When a group of people hot box a bedroom with cigarettes

Oscar totally turkish sunroomed his apartment with Sean and Charles

by Kinger92 December 4, 2011

Turkish camper

This word is mostly used by players who get killed in bizarre or rather comprising ways by campers in PUBG Mobile. Although mostly associated with Turkish players, any sweaty camper qualifies as a Turkish camper.

Walahi you're a Turkish camper!

by Aitolu July 9, 2021