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Type-Time- (Noun) at what costs?The Curiosity of another's intentions.Descended from "Having the type of time" used in Philadelphia. And Philadephia areas.

What type-time does she be on? Because She had sexual intercourse with 9 Dudes at the club last night forb $80. Its thanks giving man, im about to be on my rick ross type-time. intentions intent Having a good time Type Time"Having the type of time" used in Philadelphia. And Philadephia areas.

by ThunderByrd215 January 23, 2014

62👍 18👎

type x

1) highest line of alpine subwoofers.
2) subs God has in his car

My alpine type x doesn't sound like a drowned out fart like buddy's kickers.

by SH_GN August 12, 2009

Emphatic Typing

A way to help others "hear" your tone while typing or reading. Capitalizations used to help animate your typing and dissuade misunderstandings in text.

TOtally missed your pillow idea. LOVE IT. ;-)

I have new apps on my phone & ALL my contacts to re-add

"TOtally" "LOVE IT" "ALL" = Emphatic Typing

by smashleeca November 11, 2009

Type: Null

Type: Null was created by Faba of the Aether Foundation to be an "Anti-UB Fighting life-form". Codenamed "Beast Killer", Type: Null was given cells taken from all known Pokémon types with the intention of giving it the ability to shift between types by holding a corresponding Memory, an ability originally inspired by the myths about Arceus found in Canalave Library. This ability led the Aether Foundation to give it the name Type: Full. Three known models of Type: Full were created, but all three rejected the RKS System and went berserk. After being subdued, the three Type: Full were given limiter helmets to lessen the effects of the RKS System's rejection and were put into permanent cryogenic stasis, and the "Beast Killer" project was deemed a failure, and their name changed to Type: Null.

Aether Foundation Worker: What is that?

Faba: That was Type: Null

by Miles Bonekeeper August 21, 2017

Jibber Type

Random hitting of the key board producing nonsensical letters/words. Sometimes done out of frustration or to be just plain annoying.

Example 1 - Jibber Type: afnklwd; fnejkndfvjndfk

Example 2 - Jibber Type: sgnwdgjnwdjnwe vnnd my job really sucks right now.

by ChrisGo4 December 6, 2011

jealous type

I dreamed i saw you with another
close and smiling

and when i woke
I had to admit to myself

that whatever i tell myself
or others
i remain the jealous type
I've always been

by Krkič July 3, 2019

brady typing

An algorithmic method of sorting wherein one presumptuously and slowly makes sure things are in order. Named after the Latin root word "brady" meaning "slow", combined with "typing", a synonym for "sorting".

The bookkeeper was brady typing the books in the library and set a new record: nine days!

by Mr Penguin Monster. December 18, 2016