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Not to be confused with the whole website, UrBanDictonary.com is just the homepage. A place which normally has words insulting Donald J Trump, the 45th President of the United States of America.

Person 1: "Have you seen UrbanDictonary.com?"
Person 2: "What did they say about Trump now?"
Person 1: "Something about an orange face..."
Person 2: "Not suprised, that's UrbanDictionary.com ever since the election."

by pseudony.com/index.html January 15, 2017


The website i search on at 2:AM. Its 2am when im writing this btw

did you see the definition of "your mum" on the urbandictionary.com? -

Uhhh DUH!!!


by Lorenna2011 April 17, 2022


a mistressed poor feature to paste people one to each other in name of profit whitout future that is image, we charge more war chatting than talking? no, because we start from abecedario, who don't?

UrbanDictionary.com move opinions

by pseudomina January 31, 2017


The best website for finding definitions of words.

"Did you try using Urbandictionary.com?"

by -A Human- November 15, 2016


The website which is used to search up many different words, arranging from, Choccy Milk, to The Angry Pirate.
It is the website whee you can add words and their meanings, along with an example.

Hey bro, i just adddd a word in urbandictionary.com! Now people will know what "Chicken" means!

by AlpTheGamer12 February 20, 2018


The site you are on now, the site you browse while you're supposed to be doing something less interesting, and the site where you afterwards delete all of your searches from your history.

y *remove from history*
Airpods *remove from history*
orgasm *remove from history*
organism *remove from history*
pussy *remove from history*
Larry, your favourite cucumber *remove from history*

I wish I'd studied. I was messing around on UrbanDictionary.com.

by AfricanVioletCreature June 5, 2019


If you don't know this word, I don't know how you're on this site right now.

These are two possible reasons why you typed this word into the search bar.

1. You are incredibly dumb.

2. You have something important to do and your procrastinating on it.

I'm assuming you searched this word because of the second reason so GET BACK TO WORK!!!!!

"I have this project to do but I don't want to do it. I have an idea, I'll search urbandictionary.com on urbandictionary.com!"

by SomeRandomPerson321 December 20, 2019