another name for bad tasting pizza
Ew. This Pizzle Wizzle is nasty.🤮
Or Shizzle Weazel or Shizle Weasel or Shizz Wizz is a euphemism for Sh*t F*ck. Wizzle doesn't mean F*ck in any way, but it used alongside Sh*t.
Why Shizzle Wizzle? Because I'm not sure you will say Shiz Fudge in front of your grandma, thats f*cken weird
*Playing a Horror Game*
"Dang, this room is dark as heck"
"SHIZZLE WIZZLE! Crap! Why the heck i don't see that one coming, that's friggin obvious!"
Spray on bacon, makes any surface lickabke bacon
Wow, my aunt just got me bacon wizzle for my birthday as a gag gift
i made this worth up back in the 90's it is a complilation of 2 worths wizard and lord we changed it from wizardlord to wizzle i used it the first time in a online game in 94.i think the worth means realy nothing.
no example the is no example for the worth wizzle
To laugh so hard that you pee a little.
I always wizzle when I watch Kate McKinnon on Saturday Night Live.
To give something a quick stir for
I’m just going to give my pasta a wizzle