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*see's kid fall off bike and die*

Craig: My dad killed my dog last night
Melissa: Yikes

by peepeeissmall April 8, 2021


To do something with international force and with all your strength.

Friend 1: aye bro, you saw Keisha walk by with that fatty?

Friend 2: yeah bro i will YIKE!!! that ass up no cap she thick

by Dracoyay January 25, 2023


Expression used in response to something cringe.

“And then, with a wink, he tipped his fedora and called me m’lady.”


by YaBoyShanny April 15, 2021


Something you say if something isn't good

P1: Look I put pineapple on my pizza
P2: yikes!

by hmhmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhmhmhmhmmhmhm January 19, 2022


when someone says yikes, it's the equivalent of sipping tea quietly while glancing over the mug rim, sis. Whenever someone says yikes, we already know that's a phat bruh moment. It can also be known as Conor, a real yikes moment. Definition of yikes: Conor + bruh moment + tea sipping + glance over rim. (Btw, Conor is YIKES because he does NOT know how to NOT give someone mixed signals, it's tragic sis.)

"Conor is really yikes,,"

by Bts_Rat October 19, 2019


The singular version of yikes

Person 1:My cousin died
Person 2: That's a yike

by GoomEevee May 24, 2019


a more funny version of yikes

friend: i pissed my pants
me: yike

by eminex September 24, 2019