When you lick down a person's jewels, past the taint and hand a u-turn around the root, and head back up for a brown kiss.
Sun bish just gave her a rusty u-turn....
when a teacher with a disability is questioned by a student with a disability on why they are teaching if they have a disability
guys get into uniform
A sudden unsignaled U-turn or three-point turn by a rideshare driver across a double-yellow center line (or where otherwise prohibited,) usually during rush-hour traffic, performed without regard for common sense, nor safety, nor inconvenience of oncoming or following traffic.
My Uber driver made an illegal U-ber turn in the middle of Main Street at 5 P.M., so I only gave him 4 stars.
o.k.u. this event is people friendly. _OKU_
by attending; you are saying o.k. to the 'peops' {your friends here}
we say o.k. to u you
transmission / trance-mission is: o k u
do _u_ want-to go ?
To actively and uselessly sit for hours trying to come up with words to submit to the Editors at Urban Dictionary
Jim can't go to the movies because he is U-D Storming he gets at least 10 words a week accepted int Urban Dictionary.
The Group of friends decided to get together and U-D Storm after getting lit off weed.
I do my best U-D Storming when I'm drunk.
Some guy who talks a lot about junior grimes on urban dictionary and then gets a 100% like ratio for some reason
I really am clueless on why U R clueless definitions are so liked