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Is She Weird

Sophisticated. Messy. Rock.

'Is She Weird' is a shit hot new band on the scene.

by whoknows?.. July 6, 2022

She's the man

When a girl tries to grab something out of your hand (or does grab something out of your hand), she's doing it because she's the man.

She's the man, she just took your cigarette and started smoking it.

by Solid Mantis November 5, 2019


1970년대에 등장한 표현으로 속어로 와이프, 아내를 뜻한다. 직역하면 복종해야 할 대상이 되는 여자. 즉 공처가의 부인인 셈인데 일반적으로 약간 유머러스하게 아내를 표현할때 쓴다. 줄여서 SWMBO 라고 쓰기도 한다. -서영일

I need to get the donner ready tonight or she-who-must-be-obeyed will get upset

by MikeSeo October 29, 2015

He-ing and she-ing

An extremely dated heteronormative way to refer to sexual intimacy between a man and a woman. Commonly used by police officers.

"They went up to Mt. Bonnell to do some he-ing and she-ing."

by Sangie Redwolf January 18, 2024

she pays what she weighs

if she is over weight then she gets a check if you treat her right she will pay up to the exact amount of how much she weighs

She pays me 800 dollars a month, she weighs 800 pounds she pays what she weighs.

by Jujupayway December 7, 2021

Mini she

A midget version of a female Dr. Evil.

Dr. Evil would be inconsolable for about 15 minutes if she lost mini she.

by The Original Agahnim December 8, 2021

All That She Wants

She leads a lonely life
She leads a lonely life

When she woke up late in the morning light
And the day had just begun
She opened up her eyes and thought
"Oh, what a morning"
It's not a day for work
It's a day for catching tan
Just lying on the beach and having fun
She's going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah

(All that she wants)

(All that she wants)

So if you are in sight and the day is right
She's the hunter, you're the fox
The gentle voice that talks to you
Won't talk forever
It is a night for passion
But the morning means goodbye
Beware of what is flashing in her eyes
She's going to get you

All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah
All that she wants is another baby
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah (is another baby, yeah)


All that she wants is another baby (is another baby)
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah (is another baby, yeah)
All that she wants is another baby (is another baby)
She's gone tomorrow, boy
All that she wants is another baby, yeah (is another baby, yeah)

All that she wants

All that she wants

by Death Menace June 28, 2023