funny. can be very gay at times and he is a massive Liverpool fan with a small Willie. Nobody knows what gender he prefers. not even him! He has beautiful sideburns. He never takes life seriously. Not to sure if he will get laid. oh well
A MO is someone who smokes a lot of pot, always chiefing, always wanting more
Dude, stop chiefing your such a MO
Mo is so sexy and he gets so much women his soulmate is monte and his sidechick is gigi the “freaky ma”🤤 his penis range is 15 inches - 20 inches
Mo is the most JACKED 8th grader we all know. His curls are also very nice. Whenever he comes into the room with his gray hoodie my head explodes.
Yo did you see that guy over there!?
Yeah broh, that’s Mo. Dont mess with him.
I wish I could get as many girls as Mo!
the best man ever what a good dude. he wished danyell's mom a happy birthday. his dick is 10 honk-honks out of 10.
Person 1: You wanna honk-honk Mo's dick?
Person 2: Hell yeah!