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Posttraumatic Clown Disorder

A potentially crippling psychological disorder resulting from frightening experiences, usually suffered in childhood, with dangerous clowns.

The clowns were always so friendly at first and then there was this weird thing, like a sudden switch that would occur; I can see all their faces distorted in my mind and the trigger is often just a little circus music or carnival sounds and I am right back there all over again thanks to my Posttraumatic Clown Disorder!

by Dr Bunnygirl June 30, 2020

down to clown

the action of peeing the bed after getting ass from your date at a formal event such as prom or winter formal, and then the next day claiming that the wetness is a result of sweat because he "did work." this also includes the action of peeing on your date!

hey john! are you down to clown?
- no hayden, thats gros!

Dude, your never going to believe this, but i downed teh clown last nite!
- no way! what did she say when she woke up in ur pee?

im so drunk i think im down to clown tonite. r u down to clown john?
-ya dud im down to clown!

by h tys April 28, 2008

34👍 305👎

Don't blame a clown

Don't blame a clown for acting clownish, if you keep going to the circus!

Don't blame a clown for being a clown.

by I, Wreckerrr April 29, 2021

no talent ass clown

See Michael Bolton.

Samir: There's nothing wrong with that name.

Michael: There was nothing wrong with my name, until I was about 12 years old and that no talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys!

Samir: Well, why don't you just go by 'Mike' instead of 'Michael'?

Michael: No way, why should I change? He's the one who sucks!

by Dok April 17, 2005

478👍 73👎

Clown World

A term used by Neo-Nazis that refers to people of colour, the LGBTQI community, and people with dissenting opinions (often women), as clowns. In essence, “the clowns are turning our world into a clown world”. Neo-Nazis will often use a clown emoji to reference people, such as the groups mentioned above, as nothing more than clowns/fools. The emoji represents this with fluffy hair, rainbow colours, and makeup. Often times ‘clown world’ will also be used to mean that ‘degenerates’ (those mentioned above) are ruining the world.

“Hey, John? You hear about Tony? His name is Martha, now.”
“We live in a f***ing clown world.” 🤡

“Hey did you hear about the police shooting near Mark street yesterday?”
“Oh no, I feel so bad for those poor poor thugs.🤡”
“That was a 13 year old child.”

by YellowMarshmellowSlurpie March 14, 2021

2647👍 1365👎

Hung like a clown

To be well endowed. To have a penis so large that you cannot get fully erected without passing out from lack of blood flow to the brain.

Me: "Dude! Did you see Ben in the Shower? He's hung like a clown. I couldn't look away"
Pete: "You know what they say about a man with big feet? ....Ouch!"

by Rex Uranus December 8, 2021

29👍 3👎

clown syndrome

dwarves or midgets and the occasional small doofy person whom are suffering with down syndrome as well

strapping lad "ye gods!what hath that tiny man so ugly been thus afflicted with?"
comely wench "clown syndrome,hath he been afflicted"

by nomis 1 September 1, 2008

4👍 22👎