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Calvert Hall College

Known as CHC. A Catholic prep school on the outskirts of Towson, the prep capital of Maryland, next to a sweet ass shopping center. The campus is dominated by a huge football stadium that rivals most local colleges. Calvert Hall is the archrival of fellow Catholic prep school Loyola Blakefield. Loyola students enjoy chanting "white trash" at Calvert Hall students while sipping on wine and eating cheese during lax games while the CHC guys are happy with kicking ass in the parking lot and celebrating with a cigarette and a beer. CHC and Loyola play their rivalry football game at Ravens Stadium every Thanksgiving morning therefore most CHC students never make it to Thanksgiving dinner due to severe hangovers. You can find CHC guys at parties all over sporting polo, abercrombie, khakis, plaid shorts and loafers or sandals. But don't let the clothes make you confuse them with white bred, blue blooded, old money WASP's from Gilman, St. Paul's, McDonogh and Boy's Latin. These pusses have the money and the big houses in Roland Park but get their asses kicked alot and rarely get ass outside of Bryn Mawr. If someone gets kicked out of the party for fighting and they're not from a public school, it's probably a CHC guy. If you go to Calvert Hall you're either a Mick, a Wap or a Pollock and if you're not you're probably one of those WASP's who couldn't get into Gilman and didn't feel like paying for Boy's Latin. Calvert Hall guys are easily identified by their gold, corduroy letterman jackets and shaggy hair. At CHC if you're rich you're from Towson, Homeland or Jacksonville and if you're not you're from Perry Hall, Parkville or if you're really lucky Essex. Calvert Hall is an athletic powerhouse rivaled only by Dematha and Mt. St. Joe in the state. The mascot is a cardinal but it's really the prodigy Brother Andrew. Very good. Calvert Hall students are known to be drunks, stoners or assholes by other prep schools but it's probably because the other schools have to much money shoved up their asses to have a good time. If you get kicked out of CHC you'll end up at Dulaney, Parkville, Perry Hall or Boy's Latin. If you're a Calvert Hall guy you're probably banging a Mercy chick but dating a Maryvale or NDP chick. If you're really desperate you might be banging a Bryn Mawr or St. Tims chick that some Gilman dude couldn't reel in with his bank rolls.

-The Ravens Stadium parking lots before Turkey Bowl.
-The ramp on free period
-Ask the Virgin Mary

by CHC04 April 28, 2005

753👍 190👎

Spring Hill College

an awesome place to go to school, also known as Spring Hill, SHC, The Hill, Spring Chill, Badger Nation, Coke Hill, and Spring Hill High. Badger Nation because of the badger mascot, and Coke Hill because of the large population of cocaine abusers in the late 70s and early 80s. Spring Hill High because of its small, High-school like quality of word getting spread around campus rapidly. A private, Jesuit-Catholic school founded in 1830 in Mobile, AL. Despite the small size, still a very fun place to go to school because of the good people that go to school there. Very easy to make lifelong friends to rage your fucking face off with, any night or day during the week. Popular attractions to the students are partying on campus, downtown, going to concerts, or going to the various beaches scattered around. Dont get it twisted - despite the small reputation and size, Spring Hill rages as hard as any big state school, and harder than some. Greek Life you ask? fuck yes...the fraternities are Sigma Chi, Lambda Chi Alpha, TKE, and Delta Chi. The Sororities are Delta Delta Delta, Phi Mu, and Delta Gamma.

South Alabama Student - "I wanna rage tonight"

his friend - "Lets go over to Spring Hill College and see whats going on"

South Alabama student - "Nah, I am too much of a hick. Plus im gay."

his friend - "True..."

Guy - "That one guy was raging so hard last night i think he killed a few people on accident...and hes got a good job. How does he manage to rage so hard?"

Guy2 - "He went to Spring Hill, nigga"

Guy 1 - "The city of Mobile blows cock"

Guy2 - Yea but I dont really care, I go to Spring Hill so i still manage to rage my face off.

Local 1 - "Theres a Missouri license plate right there....weird."

Local 2 - "Must be a Spring Hill student, there are alot of St. Louis fucks at that school.."

South Alabama student - "Im gay."

by horsecock666 July 12, 2011

107👍 22👎

Epping Secondary College

Shittest school out. Teachers don't know shit and will exit you for breathing. It's druggie galore and everyone acts top shit like they own the place
You'll want to jump off a bridge after being at this school for a day so a few words of wisdom


Boy: so, what school you go to?
Girl: Epping Secondary College why?
Boy: hang on a second im getting a phone call *calls cops*

by Lmfaobye September 16, 2018

30👍 5👎

College Graduate Dichotomy

When a person graduates from college, although they have a degree they may not be able to get a job because they don’t have experience. But, they can’t get experience unless they get a job.

The term was first coined by Dain Lewis on his blog the smart college grad.

Jack graduated from college with a degree in business. But, Jack didn't work at any businesses while in college. Jack then couldn't get a job after college because he didn't have experience. But, he couldn't gain any experience because no one would hire him. Jack found himself in the college graduate dichotomy.

by collegegrad January 8, 2011

19👍 2👎

kemnal technology college

kemnal is a shit school full of wannabe chavs wannabe roadmen and neeks

lmfao imagine going kemnal technology college you weirdo

by user82828288282 December 5, 2021

College House's Slope

Located between bungalow No.1 and the North House Girls Domitory, the College House's Slope is the only way for (well, students can also pass through TSK sports field and climb up the stairs to the Ball Court Road, but that's more difficult than walking through the College House's Slope lol) the students going to school from the College House Domitory. But the slope is very slant that is makes students to find very hard and difficult passing it. Some teachers even drive from the teacher's dormitory (Bungalow No.1) to the school (Central Plaza) , though it is only a 2-3 minutes walk.

Siu Ming provide food delivery service to other students in the dormitory because they don't want to walk past the College House's Slope.

Siu Ming would rather listen to Mr. Wong's singing for a hundred times than walking through the College House's Slope for a single time.

by Siu Ming December 16, 2020

John XXIII College

John XXIII College is one of the only co-Ed private schools within the Western Suburbs of WA.
Often overlooked in favour of traditionalist institutions like Scotch College and Presbyterian Ladies College, John XXIII (colloquially referred to as JTC) is a surprisingly boring school with a strangely hidden cultish underground. Many central figures within the school such as Principal Robert “Hendo” Henderson along with groundsmen and certain teachers, are revered by the students, and are celebrated in the yearly ritual “JTC Day”, where ritual dances and songs are often performed to hype up the appearance of the real leader of the College’s cult, Jason.

Jason is a mythical figure to all. How he uses his diabolos to summon devils and enthrall students is unknown but the method is so effective that Jason himself has caused contained school flash mobs and riots.

Further examination of Jason’s cult is required, and will be added as more is found out.

John XXIII College- Great minds, good hearts

by Spider-Man Dinosaur October 12, 2020