Depression is a whole different thing and feeling. It just makes you sad, and if it is for long, it will make you hurt in your heart. It is very important to talk to somebody, or you might heal yourself. Talking to somebody removes depression, so it is very important. Depression can happen for many things, and this is an example: You lost somebody and failed your exam. There are unique things that can caused the Depression which can last so long so before it hurts you, you should remove it by talking to somebody or healing yourself.
"You are in depression, and you can talk to me," said his friend
the secret we all share
"No one will ever reveal their depression"
god did you see him in class, he looks like he has depression.
Depression That’s it. It’s the state of being depressed. That’s all we can tell you. Depression is caused my mothers who don’t understand haha. Think about it. Your mother is the reason why you go to therapy.
Tbh, (to be honest) why did you search this up? Reallyyyyy? That’s what depression is my son
Not a thing caused by listening to Billie Eilish. It's a mental desease often cause by school, loneliness and social anxiety in some case, some toxic families, and this little shit wants you do die.
Me: Shows visible signs of depression.
My mom: Is that laziness?
That little voice inside your head telling yourself just die already. But it gets louder and louder. When you sit in your bed crying for hours then you just sit there emotionless.
The people who smile the most have depression
Something everyone goes through at one point. Some more than others cough-me-cough. But it can always be cured by someone or many people who love and value you. Dont be depressed.
Urban Dictionary helps cure and cause my depression.