Bummy fun time is a act of having fun with someone’s bum
Hey Sandra want to do some Bummy fun time and watch sweetcorn falling from trees
Men away from home have homosexual encounters in the barrel.
Stewie “it’s my turn turn for barrel fun, get over here big boys”
The doctor that tells a dead person’s relatives of their passing.
I lost my surgery privileges, I get to be the fun doctor now.
If she makes fun of you, she definitely wants the dick. Just be patient my boy.
"Trust me bro, if she makes fun of you, she wants the dick
When you are invited for a hot threesome, but you and one of the other three participants do not know each other. If your's is a real tight ass, you need to see the third person before you show up to drink the kambucha. Maling it Just fun time. If your cool, you just make sure the third partner is the sex and/or sexual orientation you desire, and get a rain check for your similar invitation.
Jack agreed to show up to Jenna's place for double-blind fun time, but only after he made sure he was the only guy hitting the bees. Ya know, a male H'oney Bee.
Something that is a thrilling fun activity and or thing.
Let’s go do something fun and iced
A camera that dispenses photos immediately to capture the fun, i.e Fuji Film, Polaroid, etc.
I can’t believe we came to dodger stadium and forgot our fun camera.