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Hate Keeping

the act of gate keeping only towards those you strongly dislike.

That politician was Hate Keeping when they said “Oh really Marjorie Taylor Greene you like the constitution…name 5 amendments and the years they were ratified

by Will Blake May 26, 2023


To have a bitch fest with someone about another person.

Riley and Jarrod were hate-keeping from Brianna.

by GateGirlGas September 14, 2022


Hate Keeping is a term derived from Gate-Keeping.

It describes the activity of controlling/preventing who has access to information purely for the reason of being a hater.

A Hate-Keeper, doesn't care if the place they like gets popular, they just Hate-keep purely to foster their hating ways.

Just like how even if a hipster likes a popular movie, they'll deny it so they can keep their hipster status

It's a term used by those who woke up and drake Hatorade in the morning, and gain fulfilment purely through being a hater.

chiller 1: Hey my buddy race just found an awesome fish and chips place.
chiller 2: Oh cool we should go, where is it?
chiller 1: He won't tell me, he's Hate-Keeping it
chiller 2: wow fuck that guy

by SneakySeal March 16, 2024

hate Edward

15th of October is hate Edward day so don’t forget to hate Edward

Jack: ‘nigher it’s hate Edward day today’
Nigher: ‘Yo Edward get a girlfriend loser’
Edward: ‘not my fault I can’t get one never had one and probably will not have one’

by My room is Messi October 11, 2023


Basically the Southampton equivalent of "I HATE YELLOW BUSSES!"

"Damn, the the rain is really bad, I hope the bus gets here soon!"

*Checks tracker app*


by Jack Spank9049 January 10, 2023

I Hate the World Today

You’re such a fake, I wish you were dead….

I Hate the World Today

by Death Menace October 4, 2023

Things to hate if you use Winnipeg Transit

1. Busses that are early

2. Busses that are late
3. Busses that are on time

4. Busses that go fast

5. Busses that go slow

6. Transit operators who stop for a coffee

7. Transit operators that use the bathroom

8. Transit operators in general

9. Winnipeg Transit

10. Rain

11. Snow

12. Wind

13. weather in general
14. Winnipeg transit again

15. People who sit in seats

16. People who stand
17. People
18. Busses

19. Bus fare
20. Bus stops
21. Bus benches

22. Bus seats
23. Bus windows
24. Busses

25. People

26. Transit operators again

27. Winnipeg Transit
28. Probably yourself too

What are the specific things to hate if you use Winnipeg Transit?
“Oh let me tell you…”

by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 11, 2023