Jumping up and down to rhythmic music.
When you walk past mainstage and glance at all the molly kids 123 jumping and remember that used to be you.
A program in New Zealand schools in which children dance along to music together as a group as a sort of exercise routine. Usually done in the mornings.
Random person: I just stumbled across an old jump jam song, man it takes me back
When you go from your girlfriend to another girl right away to feel better about your self
Damn bro, you don’t need to panty jump for self respect, learn to love your self!
A jump dab is when you dab and jump at the same time
Hey, Amanda, can you demonstrate what a jump dab is?
When you get onto your MySpace and you get alot of messages at the same time and your too busy to respond to them all yet you feel obliged to respond anyways.
Eddie: Man, I just checked my messages and and I already got 7 new ones. Hell, I don't even know a few of the people who sent me messages.
Jared: Haha, you just got message jumped. Bitch.
The Jump Start involves a pair of jumper cables and two individuals. Place the jumper cables, matching in polarity, to the nipples of each person. Remember: Positive to positive, negative to negative. The individuals then slowly back away from each other. The person who loses both clamps first loses.
Dude, me and Brett were doing The Jump Start last night. The dude’s totally a wimp, he couldn’t even keep at least one on for a minute.