Source Code


A person who is way awesome and More than a brother To a person.

I was hanging out with my Bro-Jangles, he is the coolest guy in the world.

My Bro-Jangles was Nailing this chick and he let me get at her he is really a BAMF guy.

by Hero_of_PACIFIC April 24, 2010

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A term to describe the average Volleyball player when such a person is not playing. Clothing can consist of board shorts, tank-tops, flat brim hats, sunglasses, Nike sandals, high white socks, and some sort of backpack. Similar to "Lax Bro" but with a different sport, and clothing. Behavior can consist of drinking Vitamin Water, or Holding a Volleyball (just in case the opportunity comes up to play some Volleyball). A V- bro can also be seen passing his Volleyball back and forth with another V-bro, or a group of players.

Those guys are such V-bros they can't stop playing Volleyball.

Dude, Flat brim? Sunglasses? High Socks? You look like such a V-Bro.

by FportVolleyballanumber5 August 10, 2010

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Quirk Bro


Dude, let's take a black and white picture in our suits!

Man, you're such a quirk bro...

by spamtrip January 27, 2010

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A transplant found in all ski towns. They usually snowboard, wear baggy clothes, smoke cigarettes and generally dont bathe. Bro/Brahs think they are hardcore locals and will try to get discounts anywhere. Famously known for using the words Bro and Brah all the time.

"We best lap the park before it fills up with bro/brahs"

"Hey bro can I get a discount/deal?"

"Go in and ask for the bro/brah discount and see what happens"

by FreeHeelHoopla September 28, 2009

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bro science

when guys weight lift and talk about muscle growth without actually knowing the science.

That guy is swole.


Because he uses maxX 4 times day.

Sounds like bro science.

by heathrmoor April 30, 2014

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bro baby

A baby adopted or not raised in a non homosexual relationship by two or more bros.

Dude my ex left me with the baby.

well then i guess since were all bros in this house well have to raise it as our bro baby.

by psibicky April 27, 2009

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bro code

an assumed list of rules between guys
general things you just dont do to your bros.

bro code rule # 1 - bros before hoes
Bro coed rule #87 - never sleep with your friends ex.

- what man?
- Its in the bro code! you just dont do that!
i cant believe you slept with my ex man!
- man, i feel terrible

by M, Fo May 1, 2008

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