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The name Lily is related to a type of flower in nature. Lily’s are beautiful and kindhearted, they have the best opinion. Girls with the name Lily are kind, caring and always there for you on your time of need. You can always rely on her and you can always trust her. She is funny and the best type of person to be around. They are brutally honest when she needs to be

Person 1: I have a friend called Lily
Person 2: lucky, keep her she is the best type of person

by Ava Lefter August 10, 2022


Lily.H is the sweetest girl and most beautiful girl you will ever meet. Lily is also super hot and likes to talk to boys. If you are one of her boy friends and she trust you there is a good chance that if you ask her to be friends with benefits she will say yes. As Long as you know a lily in your life though never ever let her go she will always be there.

P.S. lily can have nice boobs

Hey Jen did you see how beautiful that girl is she must be a lily
Jen: we should go talk to her she is probably nice

by Jamlee October 2, 2020


A very sweet and kind person who will always be there for you. lily is very good at making friends.

lily is super fun

by firedragon39 April 27, 2021


Lily is an amazing, beautiful human being, she adores Percy Jackson almost as much as everyone else adores her. She is a huge nerd which makes her so much fun to be around. If she was a man, She'd be Jim Halpert if you know what I mean. Lily has the most gorgeous brown eyes and her smile make your heart explode. She is the best friend you could ever ask for. She listens to all of your problems with no judgement. If you don't have a Lily in your life, you're doing something wrong. You need a Lily. Get one.

"Dude Lily is a goddess!"-Percy Jackson
"She's such a sweetheart."-Will Solace
"Ya'll, Lily is the best. And she's mine so back the frick off."-Lily's bestie

by lorraine_clarity_figgins:P December 6, 2020


Absolutel how but can keep a secret normal sucks off an Alex tho

Lily is a crackhead

by Gsjhevrydjrnhf6789 October 15, 2019


If you don't have a Lily in your life, you should probably pray you did. Lily tends to be a little scary at times, but it's only when she's rightfully defending you. You can tell Lily anything that's on your mind, she totally won't judge. Lily will always deny compliments that are obviously true, she doesn't realize her own beauty. She loves partying with her friends, or even just kicking back and taking it easy watching some movies. She can be wild and crazy, or calm and content. Overall, Lily always does things in her own special way, and she'll always see all the good things she knows are in your personality. Beautiful, intelligent, strong and pure of heart, she lights up the room when she smiles. Lily's the best frickin' friend you could ever imagine.

Her laugh is infectious

Her smile is killer

Lily is who you need in time of need

by Joly2904 November 23, 2021


is short

Have you seen how short Lily is?

by EpicSwagDaddy69 March 13, 2022