A nosey person getting up in everyone’s business like Esme Watson from the TV show A country Practice.
Be quiet, I’m chucking an Esme trying to listen in on the argument next door.
When a biological male queefs out of his urethra (his dick hole)
1: "what was that noise?"
2: "sorry I just chucked."
1: "chucking is so weird"
When a show off chick who knows shes skinny, or has really hot lips or something, starts going 'OMG I am soooo fat,' -OR- 'I need to put more weight on.' or starts complaining about collegen injections and crap.
Sam: Jeez Liz, you make me seem so fat!!
Liz: Shes chucking an 's', YET AGAIN!!!
The state of providing a nauseous extraction of bile; vomit; diarrea while smiling and letting your handler realize they've been exposed.
(Only a 24 month and younger can provide a yucka chucka)
That little boy just made a YUCKA CHUCK.
Oh man, I just got yucka chucked!
when an astrophysics major uses careful angles and applied physics to triple penetrate another mans girlfriend without touching balls
"I ain't gonna cheat on this one!"
A guy talking about how he will pull a j-chuck
When something hurts so bad that to say it was painful would be an understatement.
I was grinding the rail on my skateboard, and I fell and crushed my nargs! It hurt like fuckle chucks!
A euphemism for male masturbation
"Hey what's up man? "
"Nothing much, just chucking the wool. "
"Aw man, I didn't need to know that, dude. "