A reaction when watching marvel infinity wars when seeing thanos kill off Loki or many other characters.
Thanos doesn’t deserve the mercy of Christ or even the almighty crackers
“Christ on a cracker thanos no! What have you done!”
“Serenity, Christ on a cracker.”
Making a stupid mistake, doing something wrong by accident
You are standing on your crackers if you take that job.
its so creamy in my mouth it makes me think of cooper horbas he is so yummy to taste mmmmmmmmmmm cum
(yo what you wanna eat im hungry) (have you ever tried cracker cheese pickle its so good )
1. When you pick up somebody and slam them down, with them landing on their hip first.
No regrets when I pulled a Tennessee Hip Cracker on my English Teacher!
(noun) A white woman with an oversized bottom.
(verb) The act of performing anal sex with a white woman with an oversized bottom. I.E. to cracker barrel someone.
Did you see the ass on that white girl. I'd love to cracker barrel that.
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Often refers to white people who wear wal-mart shoes, or show other signs of noticeable poverty. "Western Family" refers to a company that sells cheaper products (Including crackers) at grocery stores.
"You're such a western family cracker."
"Tell that to the ugly, two-cent hooker you like to visit all the time."
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