Crop-dusting /ΛkrΓ€p ΛdΙst/ is the noun of the word Crop-Dusting describing the action of blowing marijuana in the from of smoke at some one, in particularly the face/nose and mouth , this person may or may not wish to inhale the smoke though. This is not only for marijuana and may be used referring to any or all drug that can be used in the form of a vapor or smoke. While this action has been popular since the 1960s this phrase has been keyed in the 21 century.
John: Why isn't Jimmy smoking?
Tom: I don't know!
John: We should go Crop-Dust him!
The act of throwing cocaine in the air of a crowded area, usually in a night club.
"Plain White Tees are okay in concert."
"Yeah, but Gucci Mane crop dusted the audience."
what people from chichester call the dirt and ABSOLUTE SHIT all over the schools and...well everything. It's our little secret so don't spread .
Girl 1:" LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! Stupid Chi Dust all over my new Vans."
Girl 2: *walks away slowly*
An old southern term of endearment for white people, given to them by moon crickets.
"Look at those dust crickets on their way to Cheesecake Factory"
When a dog brushes his feet on the grass or dirt after he defecates.
Bowzer always dusts his donuts after he poos.
To smoke Angel Dust.
Fuck dusty draws.
Dip your cigarette in dust fluid, put cig in mouth and smoke. Therefore you 'bun dust'
Pick up off random dealer because you are miles away from home. They load the dust they got from their big bits to you.
Bun being English slang for 'fuck/screw that'
A derogatory term for an attractive woman who is in a blue collar job for the sole purpose of attempting to seduce blue collar men and absorb all of the attention because they can't get attention elsewhere. Usually because they're an undesirable bitch.
Scott hired a new chick that's a total dust mop. Stay away man.