An expression of utter shock and disgust that leaves you looking like a victim from "The Ring" movies; usually from seeing or reading something really f'ed up. Sometimes caused by Shock Videos or UD definitions.
Bob was ring-faced after I forced him to watch bloody grandma porn. I thought is was funny but he hasn't been returning my phone calls.
Active facial expressions that mask your true intentions.
Con-facing-Using your facial expressions to steer the external world away from your true intentions
A term from Awkward. where your face spazzes out in the midst of a selfie sesh.
"Fix your spaz face and we'll reshoot later!"
When a girl has a nice body because she works out, but a gross face.
"She's got a sick body, but she needs to hit the face gym."
Snatch face is a person who looks like there carrying around a vagina on there face
Did u see christina today yeah fucking snatch face
This is most commonly used on a school bus from naive students to support their gossip, even if it's literally a frickin' compliment.
"You're dumb."
"Your face is dumb."
Being that many southerners refer to each other as "Bo". Bo-faced is when someone is sooooooo drunk they aren't hammered,plastered or shit-faced....They're Bo-faced.
Dude 1: Bro did you see the chad last night?
Dude 2: Dude, he was so Bo-faced i heard he tried to fuck a squirrel!!