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Sebastian Hunter

Sebastian is a very white posh British surname. He is probably from Scotland or South Africa as his surname is Hunter.

Sebastian Hunter is the poshest guy in the school!

by qwertyo123 November 23, 2021

the Hunter Defense

As zainy of a legal defense as Bird Law, the Hunter Defense is when you know the outcome, but refuse to acknowledge it, because it did not go in your own favor.

Garrett used the Hunter Defense when questioned about losing a foot race to a slow white guy, so he could avoid lifelong embarrassment.

by Matthew2131 February 23, 2024

Hunter EMO son

Where a boy is extremely emo and needs to be calmed down by putting vaginal juices all down their face.

oh no he is Hunter emo son prepare Darius's sister for the vaginal juice

by Hunter EMOson March 13, 2024

Heffa Hunter

Heffa (A person who breaks the scales when they use them)

Damn man watch out for that Heffa

(You are now a Heffa Hunter)

by NicTheHeffaHunter February 16, 2023

treacle hunter

An adult male who inserts a mid-sized crochet hook into his urethra. Once reaching the base of the penis, makes a sharp twist and pulls the urethra out backwards.

Overly curious ER patient: "What's wrong with that guy, his crotch is covered in blood?"

ER nurse: "Oh, just another treacle hunter"

by spozbot March 16, 2010

jersey hunter

a mega whore who fucks as many athletes (football players, basketball players, etc) so when they're famous the jersey hunter can say i slept with him!! also to spread STDs. Jersey hunters are primarily found in college

Cassie: oh heyy, ur really good at basketball... wanna fuck
Jalaan: well ok
Jalaan: oh shit herpes!!!!
George: damn dud u shouldnt have boinged Cassie she's a jersey hunter man

by crazyknowledge79 January 2, 2011

hero hunter

A person named Garou.

Hey it's that hero hunter guy Garou

by balls v421 May 24, 2023