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Shoe lace boy

Someone that wears a shoelace as a belt. usually a skateboarder.

DUDE! Check out those shoe lace boys! They are soo HOT!

by Birrd June 3, 2011

Rare Skee-Ball Hi-Top Shoe Basketball Arcade Game

High Tops was produced by Skee Ball, Inc. in 0.

Skee Ball, Inc. released 19 different machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1980.

Other machines made by Skee Ball, Inc. during the time period High Tops was produced include Alley Hoops, Circus Hi Rise, Killer Beez, Operation Vortex 2000, and Skee Ball Classic.

Bob: I’m going to play the Rare Skee-Ball Hi-Top Shoe Basketball Arcade Game Today.

by Your bob September 2, 2022

Quadrilateral Shoe

The right answer

Kid: Mrs. Katie what’s the answer to 2+3
Teacher: 5 is the quadrilateral shoe

by WombatBonnieGM January 19, 2023

fo shoe

fo sho

that's fo shoe

by nikkyyhdd June 10, 2018

Going out shoes

A select pair of shoes that is repetitively worn by one attending a fancy or special event. Although these shoes entail no specific price point, the cost of the ‘going out shoes’ is typically set at a price that is moderately expensive, or simply more than what the user would typically spend on a pair of shoes.

Additionally, most people who own a pair of going out shoes will wear the shoes regardless of whether it matches the rest of their ‘going outfit.’

IE A pair of Ugg Boots with a pink and white floral dress(bonus points if it out of season)

Emma: “Oh my god, why is Ms. Anderson wearing fluffy black Ugg boots with a floral church dress? In the summer no less!”

Theresa: “Leave her alone. She probably bought them both years apart and it’s the only nice pair of shoes she owns. It’s her pair of going out shoes.”

by Kademadeintheshade May 5, 2023

Turn In Yo Shoes

1.) An expression used after one is disrespected with a hardcore roast.

2.) An expression used to show up your haters

Jimmy: *Wearing Lebron sneakers*
Jamaal: Yo you got Lebrons... Hair Line
Overhearing Bystander: OH MY GOD JIMMY TURN IN YO SHOES

Kid that dropped out of high school to become a rapper and becomes successful: To all my haters y'all can TURN IN YO MOTHERFUCKING SHOES

by Mammoth_Daddy October 27, 2016

dancing in fancy shoes

This is when you or someone else is pretending to be better than who or what they really are.

Example: "Oh, isn't that guy really cool?"
"No. He's just dancing in fancy shoes."

by SashaKittyEliza September 12, 2021