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the act of smoking fake weed made of oregano, parsley, leaves straight off of the tree, grass out of the lawn mower bag, or a wendey's garden salad.


the act of being illergic to life or creeping hard on girls


the act of wearing condoms around 24/7 in hope of getting laid- it doesnt hurt to be prepared

im going to j-bills at the prom night

by FLY-INgHI October 9, 2010


A person who lays their head upon another's shoulders a bit too much, and uses the word Bitch unnecessarily

Guy 1: Dude did that guy just lay his head on your shoulder?
Guy 2: Yeah he's a real J-Back

by CYXD November 22, 2017


Adj: Shape of a woman's breast resembling that of the letter J. Long, sloping and curves outward away from the body.

That girl had a set of J-tits that were borderline tribal. I mean I could hang a coat on those things.

by eastondle January 29, 2012

Sophie J

sophie is hot (and very gay). Sophie has a gf (gf = charlei)

Charlei loves Sophie J because they are hot

by daddyeheiekk August 12, 2021


1. -verb (used without object) :fool.

2.-Idioms : to make a monkey out of the situation, a cause to look ridiculous; make a fool of

Person 1: "A girl wrote her number on my arm, I told her I was going to wash it off."

Person 2: J-Monk!!!

by JM2 July 22, 2009

whos j-

whos j-
dont even think of asking that question

hey man whos j-
*cluster strike outbound*

by Nice one Perma March 16, 2022

Adriana J

a pretty girl who’s intimidating, have an adorable aesthetic or; someone special

no one else is like Adriana J

by spenc1109 February 18, 2022