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U-D Storm

To actively and uselessly sit for hours trying to come up with words to submit to the Editors at Urban Dictionary

Jim can't go to the movies because he is U-D Storming he gets at least 10 words a week accepted int Urban Dictionary.

The Group of friends decided to get together and U-D Storm after getting lit off weed.

I do my best U-D Storming when I'm drunk.

by Demenyaca June 4, 2010

U R clueless

Some guy who talks a lot about junior grimes on urban dictionary and then gets a 100% like ratio for some reason

I really am clueless on why U R clueless definitions are so liked

by U R clueless fan June 17, 2023

C U L8r

See you later

See you then.
– C U L8r

by GgAnonymousabc December 26, 2020

u wot m8

A staple mlg catch phrase.

u wot m8

by Cyan_on_the_dictionary February 25, 2022

U-ber Turn

A sudden unsignaled U-turn or three-point turn by a rideshare driver across a double-yellow center line (or where otherwise prohibited,) usually during rush-hour traffic, performed without regard for common sense, nor safety, nor inconvenience of oncoming or following traffic.

My Uber driver made an illegal U-ber turn in the middle of Main Street at 5 P.M., so I only gave him 4 stars.

by Jim Bob the daily commuter December 21, 2019

Throw u in the river

Move to another pub whilst someone is in the toilet without telling them ..

we throw u in the river as you were playing up that much you were going to get us kicked out of the pub

by Spicybite December 3, 2017


The state of receiving so many birthday wishes that you crap your drawers.

Thank you thank you thank you everyone for the B-day wishes!! I feel poo-u-lar!

by cheezemanrich April 17, 2011