Adored like reuben adores radiohead with all his heart. Absolute beacon of joy; with big dark eyes and hazel like hair, there is no one like her and you’ll catch her staring at you and you’ll probably fall for her on that very day.
hey lola lowe
When a guy is on his knees sucking another guy off and gets cum around the perimeter of his mouth; resembling a shimmering halo.
I heard Bobby gave Tom a low halo while his girlfriend was out of town.
Started saying this after “No Kizzy” (No Cap) got popular. It is a play on the phrase low key but you say low kizzy to show that you are cooler than everyone else.
Example: Do you think you could sauce me an 8th low kizzy ran out of dank last night
Example 2: Low kizzy tryna get some head tonight
A zone typicaly were most of the slums, or "gangsters" go to deposit money into a safe house. This could also be called a safehouse.
A man walks into a Low bank to pick up some cash, and a couple hookers.
a person considered unattractive by society standards but once puberty hits or they get a makeover, you realize that they were "sexy on the down low"
History-buff: Damn, Jack got fine. I didn't realize he was "sexy on the down low" under all that acne
When in an airplane while grounded, 2 individuals have sex in the bathroom on the plane. The male ejaculates into the female while grounded, when the plane becomes airborne the semen continues to climb into the vagina cavity of his partner.
Steve wanted to become a member of the mile high club but could not contain himself with the young flight attendant. They had sex in the bathroom on a delay in Denver. Once the plane took off and her stomach felt awkward Stephani realized she was a member of the mile low club.