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Marking Facebook Territory

After friends have a nasty fall out or a BF/GF break up and they race to comment or like a mutual friend's pictures/posts on facebook before each other in an effort to 'claim' the mutual friend and have them on their side of the break up/fall out.

Fuck, my bitch ex was Marking Facebook Territory on Sarah's profile picture before I could like the picture, now I can't comment or like Sarah's picture!

by SethStreeter October 9, 2011

Mark Est Chaud

Mark is hot

OMG, Mark est chaud!

by Waffles3438 December 8, 2020

Marking my territory

The act of of masterbaiting and ejaculating on and object, thing, or person.

Hey Travass, Im Marking my territory all over Meegan.
Im marking my territory in your bathroom.

by TravisLikesMen January 16, 2011

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x marks the spot

This is the exact location (from the act of using an x to mark a location on a map)

I pointed to the location on the map and told the recruits "x marks the spot".

by Light Joker October 25, 2005

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mark ass nigga

A punk
A Hypocrital wannabe ganger banger
A "scary" person (see scary for exact definition)

I tell you about them mark ass niggas

by Dribble September 11, 2006

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marks out of two

To rate a girl with your mates who is in earshot but without her knowing. Taken from the statement "I'd give her one!" or two meaning "I wouldn't touch her with yours!"

Dan: "Marks out of two?"
Rob: "I think one"
Dan: "Yep"
Sally: "What are you taking about?"
Rob: "Binary scoring systems for...."
Dan: "Want to go for a drink later Sally?"

by Unsub2007 December 8, 2007

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mark Wahlberg

He's too good for words and can only be described as 'fuck me sexy'.

Mark Wahlberg is a fuck me sexy kind of person.

by Geddup. December 20, 2010

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