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a substance that is found in the ground that helps our environment aka dirt

"yo that dirt is like brown"
"did you know worms grow in dirt"
"dirt is lit dude"

by livdictionary March 18, 2019


A clear peace of shit

He's dirt

by Fodkhejrndn January 4, 2016


Dirt aka "Dre" is the term given to that one friend in your group who is on the upmost amount of heinousity. This term can be applied to that one friend who's been caught up in the sheets for a 3 peat with a 2 ball. Dirt can be heightened while under the influence of booze, those dolls you saw on your way to class that nobody pays attention to suddenly become relevant in your realm, going from a max sober 2, to a very un-sober 9.

You get a call from that one friend who's on "Dirt" at any time after midnight and you get a call of help cause he had been kick out of the sober 2's room with no shoes, dogs out n all. Mind you he has admitted it is grease and but proceeds to tap in the following week and week prior.

by UncleLarry November 15, 2023


A place holder, much like zero, without a positive or negative connotation. Often used when no other words come to mind.

Mom: Honey, your waffles are ready.
Me: Dirt! haha

Dirt! that movie was alright.

by dahveeed April 5, 2011


Cheap cigars or cigarettes.

Hey man I’m low on cash want to pick up some dirts?

by Freighttrain4578 November 20, 2017


The act of being sneaky

I now have dirt on me because I was being sneaky 😔

by omfg bubbles January 22, 2022


The act of being sneaky

Me being sneaky caused me to have dirt on me 😔

by omfg bubbles January 22, 2022