A young rapper from the hood who spits fire
I just met young j in the Gucci store
A basic kid who is brown hair and a player
Goes to BMMS in sixth grade
Slang for stupid
Says going solo from now on
You are being a Brock Young.
We are over Brock Young
An amazing Egyptian rap group consisted of 2 male rappers (Ayman and Mesho) and a female singer (Shahd), They were cheated out of the xFactor Arabia because their lyrics always criticized Arab governments and presidents. But they have become very popular among Arab an specially Egyptian youth and now have a wide fan base called "YPians"
A: Have you heard about those guys "Young Pharoz"?
B: Yeah bro, they're awesome .. they should have won xFactor
Someone who can’t inhale anything other than air without coughing or dying
People smoking:
Young Lung: cough cough cough
People Smoking: damn bro you got them young lungs
a young kid under the age of 18 who is just lit and they ca't be told shit by nobody.
meaning don't try because they gon' cuss you out
your probably a blood
Aye wassup young young blood
my little brother is a young blood his teachers can't tell jackdiddlry squat (shit)
or a kid saying how many dragons are in the sky and someone saying zero and then saying that how many fucks they give (^_^)
Emma young is so so whipped it’s unbelievable and has huge jugs
You know that girl emma young
Yeah she is a keen toker
Laura's pump and dump man. Young, Hung and full of Cum!
hey Laura, are you gonna let randy young stroke and poke for a troche?