When one member of the crew needs to pee and grabs some friends to all go pee at the same time at a party. Popular places include fences, trees, backyards and sometimes abandoned buildings, cars, and wherever else you can get away with it.
Other terms for boys pissing are
Boys Slash
Lads Piss
Lads Sword Fight
“Lads, surely a boys piss??”
Everyone else “Boys Piss!!”
Way of saying someone is a dick without being too mean, (the xXGaLaXyXx way).
Galaxy: Goddamnit Shawn, you're such a weenie boi.
a guy. who is well, somewhat , large in size. he most likely looks like a glazed donut because he sweats a lot and his forehead is shiny.
relatively big boys look like glazed donuts from krispy kreme
He is a pick me and he id also kinda of a bad friend he pretends to be your friend for information and then when you ask him if you guys are friends he say no. He also has a aunt that is disabled he also fumbles the bag like ALOT
Sean boi says that he likes me but was still caught on with his ex SMH
Seany boi said that he is nothing like Dadrain but still pulls a Dadrian🤦🏻
is Sean boi a DDR?