When an individual gives you a lot of information on various things over a prolonged period of time, which they tell you not because you want to know about it, which often times you don't want to know about it, but because you need to know about it for the good of yourself and the individuals in your life who you care about
Earl: Max keeps telling me about a lot of different stuff they hear about, not only from the news from various sources of information. Some of the stuff they are telling me is interesting, while some of it is not that intriguing. Almost all of it though seems to shed some light about what is actually going on out there.
Nicolette: He is playing the shadow man's game. He is not telling you that information because you want to know about it; he is telling you that information because he thinks you need to know about it. You should listen to what he is saying.
Earl: I'll keep that in mind.
v, Unit if measure for powered drugs; Used mainly for cocaine; Amount being approximately 7g on the metric scale of weight; FMS shorthand
Concept of calling 2 8 balls a Full Man Sac instead because of the direct image correlation of being 2 balls in one bag.(for a good laugh read origin)
Origin; During a more layer back Friday night of netflix and chill with a few close friends taking a few tabs, and doing some blow, to the movie Blow. The random topic of getting 2 balls should have a better name , just refering to it as tenders or balls is just get old. Since we are all guys talking about chilling soon and splitting 2 balls between 4 bro the term and I quote " Yeah, let's just get a full man sac" ..it made total sence for a name for an amount commonly referred to and obtaining in ball or balls. After 15 minutes of tears and laughs, being just dude influenced calling two balls of blow a full man sac as a unit of measure just fit.
We have 5 bands before the band we came for plays, let's get a Full Man Sac (FMS) for motivation, and enjoy the whole show
eats ur caca in your sleep, and brings his friend {but cheak licker man}, but cheake licker man lick and claps ur ass in ur sleep!!
ahh its caca man 123 and but cheak licker man oh fuck i better run
this is the NEW term given to esh lasses, who enjoy wearing TNs and nautica and they love hanging out on buses with their i-pods in because they are hot like that. they like to speak in pig latin.
ayyy ima shank you coz im ally g-man.
A male who presents more femininely or a female who presents more androgynous. Commonly used as an insult to fem-Boys and more masculine girls. Also I don’t agree with my example but commonly used amongst boys at my school in an attempt to rile me up
Harry styles is a she-man
About 3 years after He Man won the battle of Castle Greyskull “(a fluke imo), Lord Skeletor had a plan to use his magic to reverse things except most things about himself. This spell made He Man into a gender-bended version of himself with notable a female voice, smaller shoulders, and lipstick. Everyone in Greyskull called him “She Man”. After he/she was shunned, She Man became evil and everyone praised Lord Skeletor because he was the hero. She Man was jealous of the newly named Lord of all Things Skeletor and everything in life was happily ever after.
She Man is a horribly disguised woman. You can tell by that bad shape of makeup.
Such a high balling unit that they are always a top g. pubesent man is the father of the disappointing pubesent boy. this immaculate man's favorite phrase is "hoes water pailioids." but for he is only a shadow of the pubesent chad... to be continued
holy guacamole is that a pubesent man!