When you say it once in a server and it becomes a joke in that server.
John: “Yea I’ll play cod tonight”
Elijah: “Man Bruh”
A phrase someone says when a man does something polite or charming. It means to get a respectful boyfriend like the guy you are referencing is to his girlfriend.
Jenna: Hey Charlie, can you go get me some more water?
Charlie: Sure (gets up to go get Jenna water)
Jenna: Can you also grab the ketchup?
Charlie: Yeah (grabs ketchup and water and brings them to Jenna)
Alice: Get you a mans like this!
A man who is obese and inverted in some places.
Dude, you are so fat. You are such a Inverted Man.
The opposite of the gender male, because women do not exist.
John: ¨Dude, look at that woman!¨
Dave: ¨Hey, its Inverted Man, dude.¨
John: ¨Sorry, thanks for reminding me.¨
Jizzing into an ice cream cone and making your partner eat it
“Ever wanted to try the Ice Cream Man?”
“Tf is that?”
“Eat my nut in an ice cream cone.”
“Bro you’re fucking disgusting.”
A man who works with animals, ghosts and spirits.
My friend whet to see the horse thing thing man
Ah man who does Rell suck box.( Eat pussy), he rather suck ah cunt that bull.
Dawg uk malique? He issa eater man inno, Boy does suck everybody cunt Bai.