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Tard bomb

A tard bomb you know it if you do

Sierra snowman Is a tard bomb”

by Francesca'slover August 21, 2022

Tardy Tards

This applies to people who are constantly late. Generally people in their teen years as they have not completely come to appreciate punctualality as a sign of adulthood.

"Hey! We will never make it to anything on time if you don't stop acting like a bunch of Tardy Tards!"

by Noremac1981 December 29, 2021

Wing Tarding

A retarded form of windsurfing practiced by middle-aged men in the rain off the south coast of England.

Rich: Hey Al, wanna go wing tarding this afternoon, the weather looks particularly shite?
Al: Sure thing, be there in a sec, I just need to smash one out
Tim: I'm too drunken to tard, gonna jetski instead. See you guys later.

by WannaBeWingTarder March 10, 2021

molasses tarded

molasses tarded Arianna Desjardid flower garden space marshin♡

molasses tarded is a great poem

by isabellAdefined April 25, 2022


An act which defies both physics and logic; one which can only be described using the words "OM(F)G".

Oh My (Fucking) God, you should have seen it! I don't know how, but he actually got back up and tried it again!! It was the most OM(F)G-Tarded thing I've seen in my life!!! I mean, really...what was he thinking????

by Coda_Samardon April 28, 2011


A cross between an eshay and an idiot.
A person that thinks they are cool, hip and popular, however in everyone else’s opinion they are not.

He thinks he’s so awesome but he’s just an Esh-tard.
Look at that Esh-tard carrying on..

by Krythm81 April 10, 2024


A cross between an eshay and a retard. A person that thinks they are cool, hip, popular however in everyone else’s opinion they are retarded.

Haha…. Look at that esh-tard!

by Krythm81 April 10, 2024