A tard bomb you know it if you do
“Sierra snowman Is a tard bomb”
This applies to people who are constantly late. Generally people in their teen years as they have not completely come to appreciate punctualality as a sign of adulthood.
"Hey! We will never make it to anything on time if you don't stop acting like a bunch of Tardy Tards!"
A retarded form of windsurfing practiced by middle-aged men in the rain off the south coast of England.
Rich: Hey Al, wanna go wing tarding this afternoon, the weather looks particularly shite?
Al: Sure thing, be there in a sec, I just need to smash one out
Tim: I'm too drunken to tard, gonna jetski instead. See you guys later.
molasses tarded Arianna Desjardid flower garden space marshin♡
molasses tarded is a great poem
An act which defies both physics and logic; one which can only be described using the words "OM(F)G".
Oh My (Fucking) God, you should have seen it! I don't know how, but he actually got back up and tried it again!! It was the most OM(F)G-Tarded thing I've seen in my life!!! I mean, really...what was he thinking????
A cross between an eshay and an idiot.
A person that thinks they are cool, hip and popular, however in everyone else’s opinion they are not.
He thinks he’s so awesome but he’s just an Esh-tard.
Look at that Esh-tard carrying on..
A cross between an eshay and a retard. A person that thinks they are cool, hip, popular however in everyone else’s opinion they are retarded.