Source Code

Jiggle Ball

Jiggle Ball is a team sport made up of twenty one players. Twenty players on one team and one on the other. The larger team are all equipt with hard tennis ball sized rubber balls and their aim is to cause as much pain to player by him/herself as possible. The player on the smaller team stands within a marked square 4 feet wide. If the player in the square manages to catch a ball, he/she is alloud to keep it for the duration of the game. The game ends once the player in the middle has caught all the balls and the larger team ahve no balls left to throw at the target.

Hey Rufus, a couple of us gus were planning to play jiggle ball later and wanted to know if you would join in. Jenny says she want to try her luck against twenty of us.

by Public Enemy Number One September 11, 2006

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Sore Balls

1.) Caused by unfinished BJ's, see Blue Balls
2.) Words to utter to break an awkward silence.
3.) Trying to grab a receipt out of someone's hands, missing, and poking the unsuspecting victims' left testicle instead.

1.) "Oh Yeah, baby!" *approaching footsteps* "Oh, shit!...my parents are home!" Put that back in your pants!
2.) "...." *more silence* "Hey everyone, I have SORE BALLS!"
3.) "Hey Doug!" *quick attempt to grab receipt*...*augh, groaning noises* as Doug lays, holding his crotch, on the floor.

by RandalK January 15, 2007

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Pickle Ball

Combination of tennis and ping pong, future olympic sport, way to determine friend status or sponge-worthiness.

I am better than you at pickle ball.

by Boutros Boutros Boutros Ghali October 7, 2009

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used to describe a night in which all kinds of LEGENDARY events take place

that night was Steve-ball

by Woodsman bob February 3, 2008

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blue ball

100 smurfs, 1 Smurfette

Handy smurf is the only smurf who never got blue ball.

by Dugi Wugi September 14, 2005

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bloody balls

After having sex with a girl who is heavily on her period you take the condom off and your dick is clean but your balls have lots of blood on them.

7 days out of a month, I get a case of the bloody balls.

by caffman November 22, 2007

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Spider Ball

When a male jizzes into his hand and forms the cum into a ball he would then hurl this ball at male/females face. When the ball hits, it will explode on their face and separate into long strands that resemble a spiders web.

"Wow, I heard Cassandra walked out on you before you were finished." "Yeah, but I quickly rubbed one out and gave her a Spider Ball to remember."

"Why is Jeff in jail again?" "Well.. we all paid him 10 dollars and he whipped a Spider Ball at the school bus driver."

by Coltrane Pride January 25, 2008

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