Thoughts And Prayers. Used to convey respect to something that has died or ended. Can also be used when an unfortunate or tragic event has happened. Similar to RIP or F.
A: My car gave out today
B: Aww, TAP.
A: My gf broke up with me today
B: broooo, TAP
Where you have very loose stool that manifests itself in a similar consistency to a slushy/slush puppy.
I had a curry last night and now I've turned on the 'slushy tap'.
To have sex with an Egyptian woman, usually a prostitute
¨Hey man, where's Jeffrey at today?"
"He's at the clinic getting himself checked. He was tapping the Nile last week and he's worried he might have caught something."
for uc davis students, fear of the ticketing service taps.
seeing a white truck with orange lights will cause you to experience taps-aphobia, panic and think "where's my car?!"
Person 0: I would have to tap the declaration of independence 📜 And Print Out The Coat Of Arms Three Times.
Shagging a girl that hard she starts her period
I was pounding a girl so hard last night I turned on the devil’s tap
Describes about your amazing headshot in one single bullet makes other players even yourself shocked
It's usually used in FPS games, especially CS:GO
*Does an one tap* " OMG! You're amazing dude!
Inhuman reaction!!