A person who does History, Drama and English Language at A level
He is a James Charles Anthony Padgett. He is that.
Monke man with small peen and has a weird obsession with circles.
Damn Anthony Haston is a monke
"why is there a monke running after a circle naked?" oh must be anthony
a little fag that like’s to sit on his pc all day and eat doritos
i don’t want to hang around that “drake anthony skeenes” kid he smells like shit
yes its actually him. the coolest most profound and professional gentleman you will ever meet. he’s good at everything and bad at nothing. be careful though, if you yell the word “fancy” at him he will uncontrollably bark and possible bite you. such a fradella thing to do.
the way i handle business, i anthony fradella that shit.
Usually a boy name, most of the time have a big bottom lip and like to show gums when he smiles Anthony Vilchis usually have parents that own a donut shop
Riding a bike and someone pretends to run into you scaring you so bad that it kills you
Pretending or threading to kill yourself over a girl or to get said girl
Shit Donny is pulling an Anthony