A steezy Frontside Smith grind while looking backwards.
Guy really B Rolled the Ice Box. fuck wrong wit eem.
dxbe wird in rsw von einem Spaceskin gebumst daraufhin antwortet er mit einer B Bombe : " BROOOOO"
The most popular kid in the world who is double the popularity of his closest contender.
Guy1. OMG I wish i was as popular as lachy B
Guy2. That would never happen. He is to popular.
B-Madurinn is a legend in some countries. With the Real name Bjorgvin Fridbjarnarson, B-Madurinn has worked for years becoming one of Husaviks legends in Weight Lifting, especially Bench Pressing where he is close to 200 Kg. B-Madurinn is a role model to most kids, and his hands are 60 Cm. Around
Woah B-Madurinn is the strongest man i know.
B-Madurinn is a Real Stonegrime peterson
B-Madurinn, was that hard? "Nah"
A term that would excuse a women after saying or doing something that would be misconcepted as gay or 'lesbian'. The term 'B' in the phases origonated from the second sylable in lesBian.
Girl 1: Your boobs are nice and plump! hey girl hey.
Girl 2: I'm taken...
Girl 1: Less B!
Girl 2: oh, thanks :
what russians say in every csgo game
person 1: ok guys where do we go?
Person 2 : rash b cuka blet
Lacey B. She is a confusing one, one min she smiles the next she fumes. Extremely beautiful, even when she doesn't realize it. Has the heart of queen and the soul of a gypsy. I love you baby
Did you see Lacey B over there she was on the go again