1. A HOE that claim she can take anybody man but at the same time a home wrecker
2. Someone who say she ate that dick up and neva gave a fuck
3. Just a bitter bitch that love to hate on other women.
Now get out my face & stop talking shit yo breath smell like dick !! You bopped out ass bitch
to have sex
oh did you hear? me and him bopped for the first time last night.
omg i can’t believe they bopped that’s so scandalous
A bop can be seen as a song with catchy or enjoyable lyrics and/or rhythm. “Bop” can also be used in multiple tenses to refer to someone/something being hit lightly.
Yo, this song is such a bop.
Damn bro, you see that white boy get bopped by Jayquan earlier? That boy looked like he was hurting for real. Weak ass, am I right?
To slap someone on the head especially
Get over here so i can bop you!
Whose ready to get some bops!
"She bopped out she gon burn you twin" " She a bop, everybody know about her" " You cant wife a bop a hoe gon be a hoe"
yo Jay did you hear about the girl giving bops to random guys?
Used to reference Big ‘Ol Pussy
Friend 1: Did you fuck her?
Friend 2: Yeah, she got a bop!