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St. John's College

A Liberal Arts college in the US, with two campuses: one in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and a needlessly preppy one, populated mostly by sophists. Famous for its approach to liberal arts, focus on great books, and its incredibly uncomfortable, but visually iconic, "Johnnie" chairs. Blackboards are everywhere at the college, and any attempt to change this policy is always crushed with extreme prejudice.

Students of the college are called Johnnies., and in place of professors, instructors are called tutors. This is because they are supposed to be on the journey of intellectual discovery with the students, rather than talking down to them. This is, most certainly, always the case, and tutors have never been known to give lectures in the middle of class to explain exactly why a particular school of thought is fundamentally incorrect because they entirely disregard the writings of one obscure thinker, the essays of whom said tutor will be happy to provide to the interested.

St. John's has no tests or exams. All students are evaluated through their writing and performance in discussion. To deal with the stress and anxiety which comes with much of the work of the college, many Johnnies smoke and engage in extreme forms of Bacchic revelry on a weekly to biweekly basis.

Contrary to popular belief regarding liberal arts degrees, Johnnies go into a variety of fields, mostly in education, academia, or corporate sophistry(commonly known to the uninitiated as the legal profession).

"Where are you going to college again?"
"Oh, I go to St. John's College in Santa Fe."
"Never heard of it."
"I'm not surprised."

Family member:"What do you guys even do at St. John's?"
Johnnie who has learned that most people are either totally disinterested in the truly meaningful parts of their studies and has lost all faith in the ability of most people to have serious conversations: "We read lots of books."

by notsocrates December 2, 2020

Richard Stockton College

A middle-sized college of about 7500 undergraduate and graduate students. The school was originally founded in 1969, and has expanded to a 1600 acre campus. It's roughly twenty minutes away from Atlantic City and and about an hour from Philly. According to the Princeton Review, Richard Stockton is a "highly selective college", and US News and World Report say Richard Stockton is one of the best colleges in the North for master's degrees. Stockton has also been rated as one of the top five liberal arts schools in the country.

Richard Stockton College has an incredibly highly distinguished faculty including Pulitzer Prize winners, Guggenheim Fellowship winners, and world renowned experts in Holocaust studies, psychology, and physics. 95% of professors hold the highest degree in their field from some of the top schools in the country.

The college's sports history has included national champions in soccer, track & field, and runner-ups in men's basketball. Stockton has also provided camps for the women's Olympic Basketball team, the national youth soccer team, and the World Cup soccer teams from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Trinidad and Tobago.

In addition to undergraduate programs, Richard Stockton offers six Masters Degrees and one Doctoral Degree in Physical Therapy. The college is continuing to expand its programs. Stockton will soon partner with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to build an Aviation Research Technology Park which will become a center for academic and training programs and state of the art aviation research.

There is plenty of action on campus, with Greek Life, a variety of clubs and and organizations- both academic (honors) and service, and collegiate, intramural, and club sports.

Richard Stockton's colors are black and white, with red being the accent color. However, in the fall of 2009 red will be replaced by blue. The mascot is the Osprey.

Joe Smith graduated from Richard Stockton College with a doctoral degree in physical therapy (DPT).

by OspreyRSC April 5, 2009

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Riverside Community College

Located in the city of Riverside, California. RCC has total of three campuses, one in Moreno Valley, Norco, and the original campus in Riverside. The Riverside Campus was first opened in 1916. Their college team is horrible but has a good nursing program. Over half of the students here are just old unemployed workers trying to "start" fresh but only here to get Financial aid and the other population are also bunch of losers attending school just to get financial aid. There is also students that are here to learn but not many. The professors here average or above some are actually funny and helpful.

Conversation #1

Kim: WTF why is Dannisha screaming across campus for??

Andy: Because shes having a full blown conversation with Dontae and Ebony. Its just another day at Riverside Community College.

Conversation #2

Myle: RCC is so pack, its impossible to find parking! Hey thats Tyrone parking his car hes my lab partner but never attends class.

Andy: Yea Riverside community college is always pack. Don't worry towards the end semester most students will drop, usually after the last financial aid check is mailed home.

by nurse andrew November 23, 2009

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Berklee College of Music

Berklee College of Music is a music school in Boston, known for its top notch teachers and world class graduates.

It is also very overpriced and has very, very few females attending. Fortunately Boston Conservatory is close by which has a very low male population making for...well you know where I'm going with this. Also a very high percentage of students are metrosexual or asian, or both. Metrasian.

Extracurricular activities besides practicing or jamming can almost positively include smoking mad blunts and drinking 40s.

Over all an excellent college.

"Berklee College of Music is the only college where smoking pot improves your grades!" -John Mayer

by patmethenyhasnosoul December 30, 2010

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Harvey Mudd College

1. A community of unicyclists, pyromaniacs, and computer nerds.

2. An exciting, if short-lived, resource for Scrippsie's sexual frustration. Mudders are preferred to CMCers because they are less likely to turn into sexual predators.

3. A campus full of men who break up with Scrippsies by telling them that they "can't see this ending in marriage."

"Dude, you go to Harvey Mudd College? Can you get me some free tentacle porn?"

"You're dating a Mudder? Does he have time to sexually service you, when all he does is play Warhammer and D'n'D?"

"What do you mean 'your girlfriend's a Mudder'? There aren't any women there!"

by Lydia Mendoza March 8, 2008

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The Evergreen State College

A public college located in olympia wa. The school is often frowned upon by douche bags who serve no purpose in life, but is respected by many professionals.

Dude, you go to the evergreen state college? That's awesome!

by heyu April 6, 2009

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US College Whore

A person who

1) lives outside the United States

2) surround their lives around standardized tests (SAT, SAT II, ACT)

3) try everything to get into a college (usually Ivy League), and does the actions at the expense of other people's well-being

4) retake 2300/2400 SAT scores

5) talk non-stop about AP exams during recess, lunch-time, after school, sports practices (many don't do sports), family dinner, shower, & part of their daily prayers before they go to bed

6) attend multiple private tutoring centres and boast about the greatness of his/her tutor

7) worships the phrase "___, what is your overall average GPA?"

8) does every bit of available volunteer activity, thinking that it will boost their university applications

9) wastes thousands of dollars on university visits and end up getting rejected from most of them

person 1: FAIL! I got 2300. RETAKE
person 2: shut up you US College Whore

person 1: I did 15 APs. I got 14 5s and 1 4. Am I fucked for Harvard?
Person 2: US College whores...f*ck you

by thegreatwhitenorth July 10, 2009

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