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paradise by the dashboard light

A euphemism for having sex in a car.

Jenny and Johnny drove up to make out point for a little paradise by the Dashboard light.

by ShovingLeopard February 2, 2016

Light saber penis

When your fellow team mates in battle chop off your arms and you have to put the light saber between your legs

I was in battle with my friend he had a blue light saber and I had a red one he chopped off my arms and I looked like I had a erect penis from my light saber the light saber penis was very difficult to control between my legs

by Xander Zoul hey jare-bear ;) January 11, 2016

Russian Stove Light

When you let the end of the weed blunt act as an incesnse to keep your hot box going.

You wanan just let this russian stove light, i dont feel like rippin it anymore

by mathiasjb March 14, 2011

The Light Switch Bitch

When youโ€™ve been talking to a girl for so long and you get to know her so much and then all of a sudden she switches up on you turns into a different person and makes you hate her. .....the light switch Bitch.... here one second; gone the next.

The Light Switch Bitch is the girl that you have been talking to you makes you feel like you know her, then out of nowhere she switches up on you .

Friend: donโ€™t worry about her, Tanisha just a light switch bitch...itโ€™z what she do
You: I know but she made me feel like I was the only one. I gave her all my energy and time. Then her personality DIPPED!

Friend: wow what a light switch bitch!

by Twitch: TTVDeepReef February 25, 2021

Alaskan Light Switch

When two people put their asses together so that their assholes are as close as possible then one shits into the others asshole. Then the other person pushes the shit back into the others ass. And the two do so back in forth for the reason of having fecal anal sex. (does not work if you have the runs)

Dude, I totally caught those two chicks doing an Alaskan Light Switch!

by Dirty Dirty 420 July 22, 2009

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Shat Blue Lights

To shit blue lights or shat blue lights means to be pleasently surprized, something made you jump or to be frightened. Often used in northen parts of England.

I thought some one broke in after hearing a bang, i shat blue lights

by scouselad August 12, 2010

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Strobe Light Girl

A Strobe Light Girl is typically a girl that looks amazing when you see her dancing at the club, but once outside or it's the next morning, you realize she looks like ASS.

Man, I thought I was bringing home a fine chick, but she turned out to be a strobe light girl!

by MissMeow1 February 5, 2010

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