translates to goodbye my darling. I think it was said by spy but idk
spy:au revoir ma chérie
scout:*in french*GAIS
spy:*also in french*scout, comment savez-vous le français
A term of endearment in the southern United States for "grandmother".
It smelt like someone was cooking bad meat, but it turned out Me-ma was setting to close to the BBQ grill.
Ma-Sedifo is the type of friend everyone needs. She’s loyal, educated, generous and comprehensive.
You really are Ma-Sedifo
I’m going to be Ma-Sedifo
A euphemistic alternative for saying "no worries my nigga" following the social defamation of the word nigga* generally used by the young, white, middle classes.
*in a completely non-racist way, meaning brother/buddy/bro/friend
Ben: You picking up later?... Can you grab me a 20 bag?
Tim: No wozzers ma nozza
When a affluent member of a gang or 'rock solid' crew is laying down some 'heavy' rap, often accompanied by instrumental music and a lesser member of the gang or stranger interrupts them mid-flow.
Wow grandad! Don't go reppin' on ma beat! F*@K!