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orange county(nc)sherrifs department

a bunch of unfit overweight corrupt racist idiot pigs

if you have to get away on foot from the orange county(nc)sherrifs department you've got it made.The fat sherrif deputies will give out after a few feet of chasing you.Guess they all wanna be fat like thier fat leader Lindy.

by nigga on da trigga December 7, 2007

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Rex Orange County Syndrome

When an artist has many songs that sound similar or exactly the same.

Person 1: hey have you heard Lana del Rey's new song?
Person 2: no bro I don't listen to her, her songs have Rex Orange County Syndrome.
Person 1: yeah her songs do sound the same.

by Bignigga445 March 9, 2020

9πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A non-drinker's name for a Screwdriver.

Fake Man: I just made this delicious Orange-vod-juice-ka!

Real Man: It's called a Screwdriver, dumb-ass.

by Scott Michael January 21, 2011

5πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


This is when you and you Netflix and Chill with your boo and agree to watch Orange is the new Black as long as every time there is female on female sex on screen you do 69

Hey boo lets Netflix and Chill and play Orange is the New Black 69.

by leoleeds August 13, 2018

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Drip Drip Daddy Orange Juice


is that my drip drip daddy orange juice????!

by sussysus February 3, 2022

Yeah, but there will be more apples than oranges.

When you caught someone about to fuck up and you correct them before they make a fool of themselves.

They look at you and say "Why not?".
You look that village idiot in the eye and say "Yeah, but there will be more apples than oranges."

by F-50Rick-C137 December 28, 2018

Orange grove middle magnet school

orange grove is a shitty underfunded school with gen z pop it girls and bisexual 6th graders and β€œuwu” diaper ass girls and the guys I can’t even explain, I’m looking at you james

β€œhey did you go to orange grove middle magnet school”
yeah man that jailhouse thing?

by orange grove middle magnet September 10, 2021

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