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colton hills community school

Colton hills is a sack of shit full of everything but white people and a shitty head teacher

Friend:i go colton hills community school
Mom:that school is shit, i heard someone shat in the reception.

by Anonymousticklebum December 12, 2019

forest hill high school

A school full of fuck boys that will cheat on you and lead you on. There's a few people that are loyal. There's a lot of hoes. Half the school is spanish and the other half is black. There's barely any white people. Umm what else a lot of wanna be rednecks and wanna be blacks. Smh it's a nasty ass school kids leave food everywhere and don't know how to pick up after themselves. Girls bathroom is disgusting they don't know how to place tampons and pads in the garbage, boys bathroom smells like shit. A lot of stupid little fights over stupid shit. Half the kids smoke mujuana and drink over the weekends and brag about it on Monday. You get lunch detentions if your late to school. They say it's 5 mins but it's like 2 mins. We only get 5 mins to get to each class. It's impossible half the kids stop in the middle of the hallway such as the black kids and the Spanish kids cause they think they're the shit. Half the kids that go there don't care about their education. It is like Palm beach central. Some of the ap's are cool and the other half are just asshole. The dress code is whack and half the school doesn't follow it. The school food is disgusting. Some kids got food poisoning from it. You cant wear sandals or you will get sent home or you have to wait in the office just for someone to bring you shoes. Some of the teachers are assholes and racist.

A whack school such as forest hill high school

by Youngballer March 17, 2017

aurora hills middle school

A school we’re Every kid thinks they’re The shit And All the teachers are on your ass All day, we’re all the white kids want to be black, Also all I can say is “Talk shit get hit” Also Every girl there Puts lipgloss on 24/7

Aurora hills middle school is fyee

by BIG DADDDAY March 1, 2020

Rocky Hill Middle School

Place to have kidssss

I go to rocky hill middle school!

by Kidss10 April 22, 2019

Walnut Hills High School

A public high-school in Cincinnati, OH. Consistently ranks in the top 100 schools in America. Unlike other Cincinnati public schools, you must score at least a 70% on an entrance exam to be allowed to attend. Failing 3 classes will get you kicked out. Is considered, in Cincinnati, to be one of the top schools. It is full of liberal, hip, and diverse students. Your typical WHHS student is very smart but unmotivated; probably has ADD but doesn't take medication; yet still manages to attend a great university because of their superior intelligence, extracurricular hobbies and passions.

Many students are rich enough to afford a private school, but they prefer to stay at Walnut because it offers superior academics to any school in the tri-state, and it is filled with such a great student body. Graduating from Walnut Hills guarantees a great university, superior social connections, and a better taste of the world that private schools cannot offer.

Guy 1: "I am so glad I go to this snobby Cincinnati private school, where I can pray freely and am not subjected to the dangers of public schools."

Guy 2: "Actually, Walnut Hills High School offers a much better secondary education experience than any Cincinnati private school. You'll meet tons of great people; experience cultural, religious, and political diversity, and develop motivation for the rest of your academia and real life pursuits.

Guy 1: "Uhhh I don't know what you just said I'm going to go play lacrosse in my pink shorts."

by A. Hughman December 7, 2010

160👍 44👎

Walnut Hills High School

high school on steroids. walking down the halls, you’ll see multiple crying students, at least three people wearing blankets, and will almost always smell weed. teachers are wack, one of our subs frequently watches porn in class. empty juul pods can be found in bathrooms, the gym, or just scattered around the school. it reeks of gifted kid burnout and depression. occasionally you’ll see small amounts of leftover cocaine in bathroom stalls, don’t worry about it.

walnut hills high school. what a place. i don’t have the brain power to come up with a real sentence. sorry.

by soapy face September 21, 2019

16👍 2👎

Beverly Hills High School

if you're looking for persians and asians. this is the place to look.

1: hi i'm persian
2: you must go to beverly hills high school.
1: yes i do.

by _glasscock January 1, 2009

279👍 82👎