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Katie is a slutty whore who bullied me at school, the dutty sket got me with a water gun. Once a bully always a bully. Rah

Rah she’s such a Katie, that skanky whore is so mean

by rahbadbitch94 March 14, 2024


Katie is a very lovable and loyal person that knows how to get what she wants. Furthermore does she face the grind to get there even if it means to lick the asshole of that one old neighbour at the first day of moving to another city in terms of education.

A Katie is also that kind of girl you get a handjob of under an old, moist blanket at an afghan 30th birthday after you vomitted baklava all over the persian handmade carpet in the living room.

"Hey look over there, what a self concious 3rd degree Katie!"

by Cordstantin November 8, 2023


I want her she’s so hot

I want Katie

by Ronaldo is mid SUIIIII February 28, 2023


A girl who wears rubber boots and poor hygiene which causes festering sores in unmentionable places, who thinks she knows every single thing in the world but really doesn't, has no shame in what comes out of her mouth, smells a bit rank, crystals coming out of odd body areas, thinning patchy hair, cankles that could stop a Mac truck, irregular blotchy dis colored skin.. Loud get under the skin voice that makes a person's ears bleed the more they talk, likes to take things that don't belong to her and blame others, has some serious substance abuse for conditions no longer present, lacks cooth and is disrespectful to other people and their homes and is so fake, it makes me want to poop in my waders...

Oh great, look who just creeped in the show like a slimy gooch patch that girl is a total Katie, yuck... What's that smell

by Coreasaurus rex November 21, 2023


She’s so valid like she definitely got a body ong, she might be Dominican but she is so sweet.

Katie is sexy

by Yktvomm September 20, 2019


the perfect girl.when you look in her eyes u melt. she is usually with a jack or ethan as katies attract them kind of men. katie is sexy,loyal,caring and above all just amazing. get yourself a katie and marry her.

them: i need a girl man

me: get yourself a katie

by cooternop2020 August 10, 2023


katie is a slob
she is shit at fortnite
has loads of woog
will cheat on you

Holy shit hitler was bad but he wasnt katie

by Susie Bear February 3, 2024